4 Tactics By Brokers That Should Be Avoided
When you find a house the first thing that comes into your mind is brokerage and brokers. Many times it has happened that you have not been able to find a rental house due to a busy schedule, or the homeowner and you could not come to the same page regarding the visit. So in order to avoid this and find a home faster you end up having a broker.
The difficulties that you face while dealing with the brokers:
Showing different property
Charging higher rental rates
Charging high brokerages
Mislead sometimes just to crack the deal
I won’t say that every broker is bad but since the market is there to eat you up there are many people out there, who can take advantage of your situation.So here are some of the tips through which you can avoid the brokers tactics:
Do the background check of the broker
The brokers don’t cheat you for that you should be ensured about the background of the broker. Do an investigation of the broker. Take his identity cards and other things to know about. You can ask for the GST number of their business.
Talk to homeowner directly
When the broker takes you to the home, ask your broker to meet the property owner and deal directly for the rental property. This way brokers won’t be able to cheat you or fraud you. Maintaining transparency will help you in living safely.
Ask the neighbours of the property
The neighbours are the best to ask about the property and to get an idea about the homeowner. You can have an idea about the homeowner's nature and behaviour. Also you can get to know about how they have kept their previous tenant.
Research for the property rent
Your broker might charge a high rent if the homeowner is not directly associated with you for coordination. You should thoroughly research on your own behalf to know if the broker is charging too high from you then the market rent.
Following these tactics you will be less prone to cheating. Also get an authorised rent agreement made before you go to finalise the deal. If you are looking for a rental apartment in Noida, visit BivocalBirds.
Read More:
1. Why should you think twice before handing over the keys to local brokers?
2. BivocalBirds Tips to Find a Home at No Brokerage
3. Fraudulent rent receipt punishment: understand the ramifications of giving fake rent receipts.